Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Peach AND Fuchsia

Walking to the mandap under a banner of fuchsia 

My wedding was truly my vision come to life and so much more. I had a wonderful time and ended up using both the peach as well as the fuchsia handloom fabric. We draped peach on the mandap and I walked under a banner of the fuchsia carried by my brother and three cousins. 
I read about this ancient Hindu tradition in Wikpedia and decided to incorporate it into my wedding.   I've included a few other photos as well - including the moment when my girlfriends picked me up and I body-surfed in my sari over them.  I love that my wedding was a mix of ancient tradition and modern-day silliness....So much fun..it almost makes me want to get married again!
Sitting under the mandap draped with peach handloom
Andre and I sharing a laugh under the mandap.

Tied the knot!

Love this moment!

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